Feb 18, 2014

~ISLAM is STRANGE~ (english)


“Islam began strange, and it will become strange again just like it was at the beginning, so blessed are the strangers.” [Sahîh Muslim (1/130)]

And the day has come, as our beloved prophet (saw) said, He who want to worship Allah, its as though you are grabbing a heat bead (hot coal),

you know a head bead lit, that the situation that we are in today , do not deceived by those unbeliever, we are in need to stick together, unite, work hard, commit more righteousness

“we are muslims, and nothing but muslims, you are a muslim and say you’re a muslim no other! ”

Tag :  Free Download Free Wallpaper Islam HD Design Dakwah English Islam Strange asing Indonesia Bahasa

Design By : https://www.facebook.com/harun.arrosyid.10?ref=tn_tnmn


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